6 Strategies To Improve Learning Retention On Your Team
Perhaps you simply altered a long-standing, company-wide procedure. Maybe you launched a completely new software program that no one understands how to operate. Perhaps you're recruiting a new employee who needs to come up to speed inside your business, or perhaps you'd want your present team members to review and hone some vital skills. Whatever the circumstances are, one thing is for sure: your staff is in a continuous learning process. But consider this: Are they retaining what they've been taught? Or are they all quickly forgetting those crucial pointers, abilities, and methods?
Regrettably, several studies suggest that learning retention rates are at best mediocre. As per learningsolutionsmag.com people forget almost 50 to 70% of what they learn within just one day. And, as you might expect, retention only continues to decline over time—a phenomenon, commonly known as the "forgetting curve."
Since only a tiny amount of what we learn is kept in our long-term memory, how can we make sure that trainees remember the most important aspects of their learning? The challenge is to employ a combination of training methods and LMS features to keep your learners motivated and course content transformed from just some mere info into everlasting knowledge.
6 Strategies To Improve Learning Retention
1. Make Learning Content Intriguing
Your learners will respond to different forms of information differently; some will be more interested to watch a video, some might be willing to listen to audio recordings, and yet others will take copious notes. As a result, keeping all of these factors in mind you have to make learning more memorable. So if you are thinking of providing Leadership Training to your workforce, make it a point to come up with engaging content.
Many educational psychologists feel that providing a diversity of information is vital for making training more intelligible and remembered. As a result, while designing a training session, use a variety of materials kinds to keep it interesting.
2. Offer A Blended Learning Experience
Blended learning is the mix of the two procedures. It is training that is given partially through a Learning Management System and partially by face-to-face training, webinars, ILTs, or other kinds of live involvement sessions. Blended learning is effective because it unites the ease and scalability of an LMS with the human touch that can make training really stick. It also builds on the preceding point, as you create a more flexible learning environment.
3. Daily Assessments
One of the most effective methods to demonstrate retention is through frequent assessments. They emphasize key themes and refresh your learners' recollections.
Ongoing or yearly evaluations are required for several forms of training to ensure that vital details are not forgotten over time. You may quickly build a follow-up exam for your learners in your LMS, ranging from multiple-choice questions to true or false, to assist explain and reinforcing learning.
4. Include Gamification
Gamification is a wonderful and effective method to include in employee training programs as it not only engages employees but also enables them to retain the information that was taught. This is mostly due to the fact that transforming learning into a game makes the whole process more enjoyable, and it’s been said that an employee’s ability to retain skills can increase by up to 40% when their work is made to be more fun. Moreover, gamification can change the way employees perceive themselves and, as a result, their motivation gets increased.
You may include gamified aspects into your training sessions within your Learning Management System. This includes allowing learners to gain points for various achievements that are represented on a scoreboard, earn badges, and level up after completing a set number of courses or learning a new skill.
5. Conduct Group Discussions
Conducting group discussions is an effective technique to engage and involve learners and reinforce key topics. There are several possibilities for group learning when handling corporate learning:
- Establish a forum in your LMS where your learners may ask questions, provide help to one another, develop ideas, voice their thoughts, and share their perspectives. Many people will remember lively debates about training subjects, and they will serve to bolster the points you've stated.
- Group projects are yet another excellent technique to boost learner morale. When your attendees depend on one another to fulfill different components of the project, a deeper and more personalized level of responsibility emerges. Urge your attendees to be a member of the community of learners and to be open to fresh perspectives - your learning environment should be a safe location for learners to express their ideas.
According to Social Learning Theory, we shape ourselves on the behavior of others, watching how others learn and attempting to reproduce it. Including this in an eLearning environment is more difficult, but by implementing group discussions and projects, you provide learners the chance to gain knowledge from one another.
Final Words
You want your staff to retain what you teach them. For example, the information provided to the trainees during training on leadership can be retained if the Leadership Courses were engaging as well as other several factors stated above. However, successful employee training and development extends beyond understanding how to improve learning retention. But most importantly, you must also motivate your personnel to study first.
The six strategies listed above will assist you in increasing their retention of what was covered—and you'll have a staff that is informed, eager, and ready to produce outstanding work for your firm.