E-Learning For Onboarding: Engaging The Remote Workforce
Workers are always looking for remote or hybrid employment options. And as more businesses adopt remote working practices, they must now deal with fresh issues and worries relating to one of the most crucial elements of employee retention: a well-organized, first-rate onboarding procedure.
The Emergence Of Hybrid And Remote Work Mode
Nowadays employees are increasingly leaning toward remote or hybrid work mode, which is why these work structure has become extremely popular at present, so much so that it has become the new norm. Therefore, to keep and attract existing and new talents companies must provide opportunities for hybrid and remote work arrangements.
In fact, 68% of USA employees say they prefer remote work over in-office employment, as per a GoodHire poll. In addition, 61% of respondents said they would forego a pay raise to keep working from home, and 45% said they would leave their jobs or start looking for remote employment if they had to go back to their offices full-time.
Additional research reveals that 85% of these American employees would prefer to seek positions that allow remote work, whereas just 15% would do so for full-time, in-office employment. Last but not least, 74% of respondents think that businesses that don't allow employees to work remotely won't be able to attract, motivate, and retain top talent.
Further evidence demonstrates the increasing use of remote and hybrid working practices. A Mercer research from May 2021 found that 70% of firms intended to use the mixed work paradigm. According to a recent Gallup survey, 45% of full-time workers in the United States work remotely, and 74% of professionals think working from home will soon become the norm. One of the most important elements for employee retention is a planned, excellent onboarding process, which is currently facing additional issues and concerns as an increasing number of firms adopt remote working practices.
Remote Onboarding: Key Points To Bear In Mind
According to statistics, any organization's ability to retain and engage employees depends on having a purposeful, effective, and remarkable onboarding process. If their onboarding process was excellent, 69% of new hires would be more willing to stay with a firm after three years. A coordinated onboarding program increases the likelihood by 58% that new hires will stay with the organization for three years. According to studies from Glassdoor, a proper onboarding procedure may also increase productivity by more than 70%. Including employees, Leadership Development Training can be a wonderful step any organization can take to attract and retain new talents.
However, still so many companies fall short in their efforts to create a positive impact initially on new hires, which can affect the possibility of retention and cost these companies more money and time. As per a Gallup survey, just 12% of employees firmly believe that their firm performs an "excellent job" with onboarding. The Society for Human Resource Management estimates that employee turnover might reach 50% over the first 18 months of employment (SHRM). According to SHRM, finding, hiring, and onboarding a replacement employee will typically cost a business six to nine months of that person's compensation.
Companies now confront the extra logistical difficulty of properly and efficiently onboarding workers with remote or hybrid work arrangements, which are challenging enough in a face-to-face, in-person office setting. Nevertheless, there is a clear potential for businesses to use eLearning, a tried-and-tested resource, to onboard, engage, and keep employees. Even companies can provide essential training, such as Leadership Training to employees leveraging eLearning.
What Are eLearning And What Are Its Benefits
An organized course or learning experience offered electronically is referred to as eLearning, (according to the Association for Talent Development). It may also contain material that supports performance. An e-learning program can include a wide range of diverse components, including live or recorded lecture content, videos, tests, simulations, games, activities, and other engaging features.
The benefits of eLearning are clear-cut. A study by the Brandon Hall Group found that eLearning often requires employees to spend 40% to 60% less time studying than they would in a regular classroom. A 2020 study report from Facts and Factors estimates that every $1 invested in eLearning leads to a $30 boost in production.
Furthermore, 72% of businesses claim that eLearning helps them to remain competitive by keeping abreast with technological advancement. Businesses report that eLearning has increased revenue by 42%, and it boosts the rate of retention by 25% to 60%.
Final Thoughts: eLearning For Onboarding As A Solution
Custom eLearning videos make sense as a way for firms to substantially welcome and keep new recruits given the blatantly obvious advantages of eLearning. Custom eLearning materials may be developed and generated to clarify roles and duties, set expectations, transmit and highlight corporate culture, offer perspective and transparency into business operations, walk new recruits through the onboarding process, etc.
Through optional tests and other engaging elements, onboarding-specific eLearning videos and modules enable businesses to make sure that the onboarding information is being comprehended and maintained effectively. This results in a simplified and uniform strategy. Organizations would be prudent to use customized eLearning content to onboard new workers, giving them a standardized and tactical point of entry to the organization while also nurturing involvement and employee retention. This is because the workforce is still looking for remote and hybrid employment prospects.