Gamification A Great Way To Increase Employee Engagement Company-Wide

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Gamification A Great Way To Increase Employee Engagement Company-Wide

16 Feb 2023 Admin 0 Leadership

Gamification is a widespread strategy for improving consumer experiences, and it's increasingly finding its way into the workplace as well. Managers are recognizing that internal gamification may encourage employee loyalty, productivity, and engagement as senior management evaluates whether their staff is more effective working remotely or in the office.

A game-based Leadership Development Program can not only boost employee engagement to a great extent but also increase their level of efficiency and productivity.

Businesses have discovered that by incorporating parts of games into the typical employee/manager interaction, employees are more inclined to remain around, particularly in a remote context. Here's how to use gamification to benefit your staff members but before that let’s have a brief idea of what gamification actually is.

Gamification: A Brief Overview

The technique of incorporating features from games into non-game activities, including working or learning, is known as gamification. Gamification may boost employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention in the workplace. This is crucial for businesses that want to offer a positive employee experience and have remote workers.

Gamification has the power to revive that essential spark that is so crucial for the workplace and to enliven dull heads. Organizations may encourage and engage workers to learn new skills, alter their behavior at work, and come up with innovative solutions to problems with the help of engaging gamification features. Nowadays a large number of training programs such as Leadership Training and many others are including gamification features to boost the engagement of the learners thus finishing the course effectively.

How does Gamification Help In Increasing Employee Engagement?

Gamification strategies encourage workers by using constructive criticism. Gamification encourages the brain pathways to learn over time by dividing difficult activities into smaller, more manageable portions, and:

  • It fosters a sense of camaraderie and healthy competitiveness.
  • It enables workers to think creatively and provide unique solutions to pressing issues.
  • It enhances the feedback system and offers in-the-moment evaluations so that workers may rate themselves.

These elements may all have a significant impact on an organization's productivity and innovation. Encourage your staff to disregard conventional knowledge since doing so may bring about great rewards. History says that incredible ideas have been the result of innovative thinking. Hence, if you didn't promote that kind of thought, you'd be shackling yourself.

And even then, gamification still has a long way to go. Many companies and Leadership Training Programs are incorporating gamification features for its benefit. We've got some fantastic pointers jotted down below, which you can use right away for getting the necessary motivation and gamified employee engagement.

1. Using Gamification To Divide Big Tasks Into Bite-sized Pieces Which Makes It Easy To Accomplish

Any task that can be broken down into smaller, independent units should be divided into competitive teams to complete. This will have the result you prefer, i.e. harnessing a competitive work ethic among the workforce. You may motivate staff to push themselves to be the best they can be by encouraging friendly rivalry between teams and functions.

You can make a progress monitoring channel in Slack, a Google sheet, a Notion doc, a Trello board, a JIRA workflow, or any other program so your rival team's employees can receive real-time updates. Nothing helps you get more driven like glancing up at a scoreboard that you're losing on!

2. Use Of Gamification To Provide Training To Employees

A business can thrive by having the appropriate personnel onboarding and training procedures. By including game-based components, the onboarding process may be made even more effective.

Gamification is a great approach to train new hires for the organization or educate current employees with new skills necessary for career success, for example, providing Leadership Training for learning the vital leadership skills needed to execute projects effectively within a team. However, it may sometimes be challenging to persuade staff members to attend the training though initially.

In that case, adding gamification can make the training program more alluring. Deloitte is a fantastic illustration of a business that used gamification well. The business was able to encourage staff to enroll in and finish training programs by adding gamification ideas to its Deloitte Leadership Academy (DLA).

3. Use Of Gamification To Boost Job Performance

Gamification may be used to improve an employee's job performance in addition to training. Salesforce is perhaps the greatest example of game-based learning to improve performance. In order to improve the utilization of its intricate CRM system among its salespeople and raise employee engagement, Salesforce launched the "Big Game Hunter" campaign.

Sales staff first served as chicken hunters before progressing to more lucrative positions as they gained experience with new CRM capabilities. Compliance rose by almost 40% for one client!

4. Increasing Communication With Employees With The Help Of Gamification

We occasionally forget that for employees to execute their tasks properly, their supervisors must provide regular feedback and communication. This is frequently a significant role in employee disengagement in businesses. Target was able to solve this issue and increase employee engagement by incorporating game-based components into the way its cashiers viewed their duties.

The line supervisors of Target's cashiers seldom provide comments. The business made the decision to modify this by introducing gamification features, allowing cashiers to play a game while checking out clients' purchases.

Target cashiers received real-time feedback from the gamified system with blinking red and green lights to indicate if products were scanned correctly. The cashiers had no method of understanding how effective they were prior to the introduction of the gamification idea. They now have feedback for each item scanned.

The aforementioned examples amply demonstrate how, when used effectively, gamification can promote work performance, increase employee engagement, and enhance internal communication. Leadership Training Programs that use gamification can most likely become successful.  How do you intend to leverage game-based components to boost employee engagement now that you have specific examples from these distinct organizations that have used gamification in the workplace?

Final Words

Understanding your initial goals for gamification in the workplace is essential to carry them out successfully. In order to develop the proper sorts of incentive systems to include in your gamification process, be sure you carefully pay attention to the particular demands and motivations of each of your employees. And after the project's implementation, it's crucial to verify what's effective and what's not. You may be certain that your gamification project for the workplace will succeed if you keep these fundamental suggestions in mind while you build it.

Join the Leadership Development Program at LearNow and enable your employees to get an immersive gamified learning experience that would raise their productivity and engagement.
BY: Admin

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