Learning Leftovers: How To Repurpose Your Old L&D Content?

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Learning Leftovers: How To Repurpose Your Old L&D Content?

15 Nov 2022 Admin 0 Leadership

If you are a working professional then perhaps you too have been a part of many training or Leadership Training Programs at your workplace. They come up with lots of structured study materials and contents. But with time information and data keep updating and gradually the old materials lose their value or become outdated.

Organizations have tons of material in the form of PDFs, PPTs, flash courses, Word documents, and more that ultimately sit idle in their content repository. Also, these educational resources grow less useful over time due to excessive use or because their design is out of date or no longer relevant.

Then what do you think you should do with all those old educational resources? Would you discard all of it? Sounds silly right? What if there’s a way to revitalize it? Yes, you read it right. Organizations can rejuvenate and update information through content repurposing to make the most of their present resources. Read on to know more.

Repurpose Your Old Learning Content Rather Than Discarding It

A learning item on a certain topic is converted to another format for a variety of uses in the learning process, which is known as content repurposing. Organizations amass a huge amount of information in the form of PPTs, PDFs, Word documents, flash courses, and more as they build their learning materials. These educational resources may become outdated over time due to misuse or format ages or become unusable. The information in these learning resources is still important, though. Repurposing content may make the most of their existing resources by reusing information to update and invigorate it.

Why Repurposing Content Is Crucial For Organizations

You might be hesitant to delete outdated content, such as an old Leadership Management Course from your learning and development program for different reasons. It could still be relevant in some cases. The L&D staff could have put a lot of effort into outdated stuff. Some modules may be especially dear to your heart.

The bottom line is that it is expensive to generate high-quality custom training content, and you must also pay for off-the-shelf courses, even though they are often cost-effective. It might not be comfortable enough for you or your team members to throw aside something you just developed or bought. But there's no need for that.

Content needs to be updated often, without a doubt. Regulations are often altered, necessitating the updating of compliance information. You must revise learning modules since there may be changes to items or job descriptions. Another justification for updating learning content is modern tech.

However, none of those justifications require you to discard your prior knowledge. It merely has to be repurposed to better suit the requirements of your firm.

Some Pointers To Repurpose Your Learning Leftovers

1. Start From Assessing Your Resources

Make a comprehensive inventory of your learning resources right away if you don't already have one. Make a list of all the training resources your company utilizes, including Leadership Courses, webinars, and live instructor-led training materials. Include some resources that you may not often consider to be training materials. You'll be able to handle what you have better if you can see what you have.

2. Ask The Difficult Questions To Yourself

It's time to give each of your learning resources a close, hard look now that you've gathered them all in one place. Are these goods still beneficial to your business? Asking specific questions about a piece of information might help you and your team appreciates its value. Such as:

  • Is this learning material pertinent to our learners and our business?
  • Have learners interacted with this material?
  • Would a new format make this material more effective?
  • Is this learning material required?

You will get your own answer.

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3. Collect Learner Feedback

Having feedback from your participants is beneficial when revisiting previous material. You will have access to learner input about course satisfaction and participation if you have been using learner engagement surveys, as more L&D professionals have been doing over the previous years.

4. See Whether It Makes Your Learners Happy

As you progress through your study, you can come across pieces of knowledge that were interesting to learners even if they were no longer relevant. Repurpose the strategy or tone of a module or content, say a Leadership Management Course content if your learners truly liked it while you're creating fresh learning. Even while the course's actual material might no longer be relevant, if the participants liked a particular activity, you should surely design a new module in its place.

Final Words

Your learning resources are like the food you store in your refrigerator: it's better to review them frequently to make sure nothing is going bad than to wait until it's too late.

Set aside some time religiously to evaluate your course materials and make sure you're not offering anything that is rotting, out of date, or expired. The more familiar you get with your L&D program's contents, the easier it will be for you to create fresh learning materials from last year's leftovers.

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BY: Admin

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