Agile Transformation: 3 Ways To Achieve Success
Over the past two years, enterprises have shifted their working methods to overcome the challenges that come with a hybrid workplace. Planning and prioritizing some tasks over others was necessary to adjust to the new working model. However, this helped to expose the areas within an organization that was stagnant or out of alignment.
Today’s digital world calls for Agile transformation and adopting Agile processes and methodologies for achieving success and assessing business agility. Customer demands are increasing and require an immediate response. Organizations with outdated plans faced a scarcity of experienced employees during remote work creating silos, zero collaboration, and difficulties during onboarding. Agile transformation consulting is the only way to overcome this challenge by implementing a cultural change and maintaining business productivity while ensuring collaborative efforts among employees.
In this blog, we will discuss the three ways you can measure organizational productivity, ensure an enterprise Agile and respond effectively to keep pace in this highly competitive environment.
Top 3 Agile Transformation Strategies To Achieve Business Success
Organizations that can implement these strategies can recalibrate and measure their state of Agility in any challenging situation. The following are the essential strategies that are imperative to survive in our new digital environment.
1. Remove Silos Through An Inclusive Work Culture
With a hybrid work model in 2022, Agile leaders should first focus on removing the majority of silos. With remote work likely to continue for the foreseeable future, many employees feel isolated. This can cause a lack of employee engagement, insufficient communication, performance pitfalls, and even burnout.
Agile transformation involves establishing an inclusive culture where all employees are motivated and have access to all resources needed to complete their respective tasks within deadlines. Communication is an essential tool to grow. Therefore, employees should be able to communicate with each other and the management team to ensure they receive the required information they need to meet all the benchmarks and achieve desired results.
Therefore, breaking down these silos related to information flow and building an inclusive work culture allows an organization to pivot effectively, which is vital for business agility. It is only possible when an organization supports a truly inclusive environment where all employees have full freedom to communicate and have access to every information for effective collaboration. This leads to satisfied employees who are committed to the process and willingly adapt to any changes in the situation.
2. Knowledge Building & Collaboration In Daily Activities
Though knowledge management became secondary, the pandemic created a sense of urgency for the matter. Access to knowledge and effective collaboration are the two pillars to evaluate how an Agile transformation process is progressing in an organization. According to a survey in January 2022 by the Harvard Business School, technologies that encourage collaboration between management and employees resulted in more empowered and productive employees. Therefore, being able to access the right information from the right people is key to the ultimate transition to Agility.
But in reality, many organizations have untapped knowledge reserves due to the use of outdated and bottleneck processes that are highly inefficient. According to research, 85% of human knowledge remains unused and becomes a mere waste. Agile transformation consulting services can help you in mining this knowledge reserve for better team scope, personal networking, and eliminating data gaps and obsolete information.
Therefore, investing in tools and processes that lead to a dynamic culture, close knowledge gaps, remove silos, and encourage further collaboration provides a high return on investment in terms of flexibility, productivity, and retention levels. Moreover, higher levels of knowledge collaboration lead to exposing tacit information that would have otherwise remained untapped and unutilized.
3. Greater Focus On Engagement For Better Performance
According to studies, many employees feel they are unheard of and unappreciated by the management. Agile transformation is feasible only when companies focus on regular communication, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration resulting in happy employees who are engaged and deliver to the best of their ability.
This approach is also necessary for sharing tacit knowledge like soft skills, personal experiences, etc. Agile transformation consulting services can tap into the areas where your organization is lacking and fill the knowledge gaps among your employees to achieve the business agility you desire.
Although technology is a crucial element for Agile Transformation, the people of an enterprise form the core. Therefore organizations that encourage knowledge collaboration are the ones who empower their employees leading to better engagement. Companies that commit to true agility will create a productive and motivated workforce who take part in scalable knowledge sharing to act as a resilience to the challenges faced today and in the future. To know more about Agile methods, processes, and best practices, visit us at www.learnow.live.