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25 May 2022

Corporate Training Trends To Look Out For In 2022

With work from home being the new normal face-to-face training has become impossible. Digital learn...
25 May 2022

How To Build A Corporate Training Program For The Hybrid Workplace?

The concept of remote work is not new. Neither is online training. But, the hybrid work model is he...
24 May 2022

How Does Corporate Training Lead To Business Growth?

Organizational success depends on the contributions of the employees at all levels. Employees who a...
20 May 2022

How To Create The Perfect Training: Aligning Training Goals With Business Objectives

What is the purpose of training your employees? Some organizations train their employees to encoura...
19 May 2022

Why Do Some Learning Programs Remain Ineffective?

Many corporate training programs remain ineffective owing to lack of purpose, incorrect timing, and...
18 May 2022

Improve Soft Skills And Technical Skills To Succeed In Future Jobs

The number of students opting for a degree in computer science engineering and statistics has doubl...